
Networking is tremendously important in all areas of business. The more time and energy you put into networking, the more you will get out of it. Don't wait until you need a job to start the process, to reap the benefits of networking you need to develop longevity in your networking relationships. Here on campus, we host a number of events designed to allow you to network directly with employers, but you can also actively network through student and professional organizations, and sites like LinkedIn.

To learn more about developing your elevator pitch and networking effectively, check out the networking workshop and resources provided below!

Elevator Pitch Handout & Worksheet (pdf)
LinkedIn Profile Development Guide (pdf)
Informational Interviewing Packet (pdf)

Networking offers many benefits:

  • Since 60%-80% of jobs are filled through networking, the process may directly or indirectly contribute to success in your job search.
  • Networking helps you obtain information on specific industries, companies, and career fields.
  • It can help you get advice and also provide you with referrals for jobs, mentorships, job shadows, and much more.
  • Networking can also help you gain confidence in talking about yourself and discussing professional topics.
  • If you network effectively, it can allow you to make a great first impression quickly when you deliver a strong elevator pitch or personal introduction.

Here are the basic steps in the networking process:

  1. Identify your internship/job target.
  2. Identify companies that might offer the type of job you are targeting.
  3. Seek contacts at those companies. (LinkedIn is a great place to start!)
  4. Reach out to request a conversation.
  5. Conduct informational interviews.

Have questions about networking or want to practice? You can schedule an appointment with a Career Planning and Placement advisor by simply calling (313) 577-4781 or emailing