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WWJ-AM - Detroit, MI
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WWJ 4/20/2024 4:03:41 PM: ...good afternoon. I'm new clone our top story it for clock employees in a Volkswagen factory in Chattanooga, Tennessee, overwhelmingly voted last night. She joined the UAW joining us live with more on that is Dr. Merrick Masters he's a business professor. Also, the director of labor studies at Wayne state University, Dr. Masters appreciate a couple minutes of your time. Why do you think this is a historically significant, in your opinion I thank for having me. It historically significant because that the person they agreed that you need to be had in trying to organize the non-union company in the United they would have taken over a major share of the employment in the auto industry with me 13 non-union companies that part of the team, November 4. It's organized. You drive represent about 160000 workers, compared to 150000 at the Big 3 and the bargaining power of the UA W with the big 3 depend heavily on its ability to organize these not facilitates building on that a little bit more Dr Masters the the momentum the UAW gained after those 4 contracts with for GM and still answers. Do you think that can partially be to thank for this momentum in the self all clearly the UAW momentum started with the inauguration of its new leadership including John saying the March last year it was accelerated under the record contracts which resulted from the stand-ups crisis which were launched during the Bardens season and the UAW on the heels of its record contracts announced its organizing campaign against the 13 non-union companies including circle role born transplants And the TV producers in the United States such as tests were Dr. Masters, I'm interested in your assessment of the current UAW President sean Fein not really like those who came before him, you know, he's kind of described this is a UAW wave he's hoping lots of new Union members will ride, you know, he's an interesting figure, you know, gaining national attention during the strike at the big 3 or your assessment so far of the tenure in charge her John thing well something in my mind resembles the leadership underwater Muhtar in clearly as somebody that's very attune to the mission of the Union that is to ...
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